Renews at ₹ 2000 / year
Renews at ₹ 3000 / year
Renews at ₹ 5000 / year
Checkout our special plans made to help students showcase their work on the Internet. Click here
Being a startup, we understand that new businesses have a lot of investments to make. With our hosting plans, we give you a head start so that you can grow your business and thus growing our business. It's all logical :)
Initially, you have 512 MB Storage Space. In the future, if your needs grow you can get up to 1 GB storage at no extra cost.
Initially, you are assigned 10 of that feature. If you need a few more, we won't charge you anything.
Upgrading your hosting plan is easy, so our recommendation: start with the most basic plan & upgrade as and when your needs grow.
Well for starters, we offer 7-days money back guarantee :)